【同义词辨析】 2020-03-30 采纳吸收包容操作提供(5小组一起记)

(1) 采纳
adopt: implies accepting something created by another or foreign to one's nature: forced to ~ the procedure of the new parent company.

embrace: implies a ready or happy acceptance: eagerly ~d the ways and customs of their new homeland.   ready 1、准备就绪的,强调可以"随时快速"地行动或使用   2、愿意乐意,如she is ready to die for her political convictions她随时愿意为政治信仰献身

espouse: adds an implication of close attachment to a cause and a sharing of its fortunes: spent her lifetime ~ing equal rights for women.     cause事业 attachment牵挂依恋;联系 这个词去掉开头的e变成配偶,如her spouse will come to see her on Sunday她的配偶星期天要来看她     又如she espoused communism/the CCP她支持共产主义/拥护共产党,如they espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education他们赞同在教育方面人人机会均等的观念,如the ideas she espoused were incomprehensible to me她所支持的意见令我难以理解

adopt采纳收养: 指接受他人创造的或外来的事物,embrace采纳拥抱: 指愉快地接受,espouse支持拥护: 表示对事业密切牵挂共享命运

记忆方法: 1)采纳的意思是采用他人的意见政策实践mean to take a opinion, policy, or practice as one's own.

(2) 吸收
absorb: is likely to suggest a loss of identity in what is taken in or an enrichment of what takes in: a lotion ~ed quickly by the skin.  identity身份实体means who you are,如identity list实体清单,身份identity card     又如plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil植物从空气中吸收二氧化碳并从土壤中汲取水分,如the country absorbed an influx of refugees这个国家接纳了涌入的难民,都有"实体身份identity"消失的意思

imbibe: implies a drinking in and may imply an unconscious taking in whose effect may be significant or profound: children ~ the values of their parents.   又如in summer we imbibe a lot of water我们夏天大量水,如they were used to imbibing enormous quantities of alcohol他们过去习惯狂烈酒

assimilate: stresses an incorporation into the substance of the body or mind: asked to ~ a mass of material in a brief time.   incorporate只有1个意思: 并入合并包含to include,如many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan你的很多建议已纳入计划中,如the new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements新款汽车会包含若干重大改进,如the rebels were incorporated into a new national police force叛军收编入新的国家警备部队。来自词根CORP表示身体body,如corporeal肉身的corpulent发福的corporal punishment体罚corporation大公司)

absorb吸收: 表示被吸收的实体消失,吸收的更加丰富,imbibe吸收: 表示饮入,或无意识影响深远地吸收,assimilate吸收消化: 强调并入身体和思维

记忆方法: 1)吸收的意思是接收充满mean to take something in so as to become imbued with it.   (imbue灌输填满to fill,如her voice was imbued with seriousness她声音充满严肃,如he was imbued with a desire for social justice他满怀着寻求社会正义的愿望,如he managed to imbue his employees with team spirit他设法使他的员工充满团队合作精神。fill表示填"")

(3) 包容
contain: implies the actual presence of a specified substance or quantity within something: the can ~s about a quart of oil.

hold: implies the capacity of containing or keeping: the container will ~ a gallon of liquid.    capacity一般能力容积;ability是"超过一般"的能力

accommodate: implies holding without crowding or inconvenience: the banquet hall can ~ 500 diners.

contain容纳了: 指实际存有该物质或数量,hold可容纳: 指具有容纳能力,accommodate容纳: 指拥有充足的容纳能力,不会拥挤或不方便

记忆方法: 1)包容的意思是内部有mean to have or be capable of having within.

(4) 操作
handle: implies directing an acquired skill to the accomplishment of immediate ends: ~d the crisis with cool efficiency.   direct这里表示对准针对to aim at,如we need to direct our attention to this problem我们需要注意这个问题,即把注意力对准,如most of his anger was directed against himself他主要是生自己的气,即把愤怒对准,was that remark directed at me那话是针对我吗)

manipulate: implies adroit handling and often suggests the use of craft or fraud to attain one's ends: brutally ~s other people for his own selfish ends.   craft手腕计谋骗术implies skill in deceiving people骗人的技巧,如he knew how to win by craft and diplomacy what he could not gain by force他擅长于通过计谋和外交手腕得到他用武力无法得到的,如he wins by craft rather than by honest effort他总是凭手腕而不是正当手段取胜,如her brother is no match in craft在耍手腕上,她兄弟和她没法比)      (adroit精明的stresses resourcefulness, artfulness and inventiveness in coping with situation as they arise善于利用发现资源有技巧会创造,如an adroit host of a radio call-in show一个精明的电台热线节目主持人,如an adroit negotiator谈判手,如she is a remarkably adroit and determined politician她是一位异常精明果断的政治家)

wield: implies mastery or vigor in handling a tool or a weapon or in exerting influcence, authority, or power: the news media ~ a tremendous influence on the electorate.

handle操作处理对付: 指有技巧目标做事,manipulate操纵: 指精明地操作,一般指使用手腕计谋,wield操作影响: 指娴熟有力地使用工具武器或权力影响力

记忆方法: 1)操作的意思是熟练高效做事mean to manage dexterously or efficiently.      ""是会意字,原本是"乍",下从刀,上从卜,表示"ト人用刀制造占卜器具",引申为1、制造,如作文作茶作画作业造作做作 2、劳动,如劳作耕作工作 3、兴起,如作息振作作兴发作 4、充当,如作伴作贼"人而无恒,不可以作巫医"       ""的意思是"由不存在到存在的过程",也就是"制造产生某个东西",如做生意做饭做工做鬼脸。"做"是"作"后起的分别字,"作"近代写作"做",在不确定该用哪个字时,就用"作",历史原因,成语中大多是"作"       ""的本义是"拿着,握在手里",<说文>:"操,把持也",如操刀稳操胜券同室操戈;由此引申出"做事从事使用",如操办操练操心重操旧业操方言等;又引申为进行以上行为时的"品行德行",如情操节操操守。之前解释"躁"时提到,"喿"表示"出现众多的事物",因此操心操劳都表示事务"烦杂"             manage管理的字面意思是亲手做事,解释中的词也都有hand或man表示手,在2019-10-29 管控conduct-manage组

(5) 提供
provide: suggests foresight and stresses the idea of making adequate preparation by stocking or equipping: ~ suitable accommodations.  stock存货库存储备refers to the goods stored for sale; or something for future use商品存货库存或储备,如I'm stocking up for Christmas我正在为圣诞节储备物品,如you'd better stock up with fuel你最好储备些燃料,如I need to replenish my stock of wine我需要补充我储备的酒,如a well-stocked shop备货充裕的商店;证券市场上stock表示资本股本,和股份share通用)   equip装备implies what makes for efficiency in use or action强调提升效率,如a fully equipped kitchen with modern appliances一个全面装备现代电器的厨房 forethought事前考虑,筹划,强调动作foresight先见之明,强调结果能力the ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future

supply: may stress the idea of replacing, or making up what is needed, or of satisfying a deficiency: foods that ~ needed protein and vitamins to the diet.

furnish: may emphasize the idea of fitting with what is needed or, sometimes, normal or desirable: the porcupine, ~ed by nature with a built-in defense.

provide提供: 表示有先见之明准备,如储备装备,supply供应: 强调补充替换需缺,furnish提供: 强调恰好提供需要的正常的想要的

记忆方法: 1)提供的意思是给予需要的mean to give or get what is desired by or needed for something.         ""来源已不可考,意思是"准备东西给需要的人用",如供给供求供应供需供销提供供不应求供电。除此以外有3个意思1、奉献,如供奉供养供职供佛  2、祭祀用的,如供桌供品上供供着   3、被审问时说出事实,如招供口供供词供认供状